Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion

Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion
Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion
Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion
Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion
Masters of the Universe Battleground Wave 7 - The Great Rebellion - EN - Expansion

Fight against evil!
Etheria needs help! 

What, on the surface, looks like a breathtaking world, is in reality a dystopia. It’s gripped by the iron fist of the Evil Horde, which seized control over that planet a long time ago. Yet, hope flickers on the horizon. 

The Great Rebellion resists the oppressor's rule and tries every day to end their tyranny. There's no time to spare – She-Ra and her friends require your assistance!

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